A Sad Farewell to Session One…

by Delphine M. (camper session 1, 2013)

I’ve always been struck by how beautiful Centauri Arts Camp sunsets are. When we leave from evening program, a cascade of reds and oranges and even pinks are there to greet us. It’s as if Mother Nature herself decided Centauri is such a special place that it deserves a new work of art every night. My mother is sometimes frustrated because I come home from camp each year with my camera full of sunsets rather than pictures of all my friends.

So either Mother Nature loves Centauri, or I just never notice the sunsets outside this place. I’ve always thought of Centauri Summer Arts Camp as a place for noticing little things, inside and outside of ourselves. I find myself relaxing here. Here, my emotions flow more freely.  I cherish my time at Centauri because I have so much freedom to ‘be myself’, whatever that means.

This may be my last year at Centauri because I want to be a marine biologist, so I need to go to a special camp for that.  So, just in case…

Goodbye, Centauri.

Goodbye standing on chairs in the dining hall.

Goodbye, goofy costumes.

Goodbye, roses and thorns.

Goodbye everyone.

 The sun might be setting on my time at camp, but I hope you will all return with the dawn.