This group of campers is particularly spirited! On the first evening, we held a Jurassic Park evening program. All the Program Directors were dressed as dinosaurs, and campers had to move between them, finding out as much as they could about them. – such as their favourite song, favourite movie or dance move. Then, the dinosaurs escaped! Dorms competed against each other to chase down the dinosaurs, and lure them back to the dining hall by performing their favourite song, dance move, movie scene etc! When all the dinosaurs were rounded up, the evening ended with brownies and hot chocolate. Last night – day two – was an equally crazy and high spirited evening, with campers building barricades to keep out the invading ‘Smarmee Army’! Lots of fun was had by all, judging by the cheering and shouting! We also held a Country Music Spirit Supper, with lassoeing competitions and plenty of line dancing. Tonight when program is over, we drop the pace a little with a ‘pajamarama’ night. Campers will have a chance to attend a campfire, or a song circle, or spend time journalling , doing yoga or making crafts. The evening concludes with an Early to Bed – because tomorrow is our first Festival Day!

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