Leads in TrainingCampers on our leadership programs face a number of challenges each summer, one of the most daunting being the ‘Inspiration Challenge’. This is a speech to be given in front of the entire camp during lunch or flagpole, which inspires all other campers to think about something important and take action in some way. It’s a ‘rite of passage’ at Centauri. Once a camper has given an Inspiration Challenge, they are known and looked up to as a leader by all the other campers.

Today, an Inspiration Challenge was given by the Leader-in-Training, Molly S.W. and with her permission, I am printing the transcript below for you to read. It was incredibly well received by the entire camp, and you will see why if you read on…

“Okay, listen up Centauri, because I am about to impart some amazing and mind-blowing advice. In case we haven’t had the pleasure of meeting, my name is Molly. It’s my goal in life to spread a bit of kindness, one day at a time, and the thing I love about Centauri is how kindness and positivity is literally celebrated here. We have ‘Meece Noms’ that recognise people for their acts of generosity. Roses and Thorns, which is essentially a big support group. At Centauri, I can have a deep and heartfelt conversation with someone whose name I don’t know and afterwards, walk away genuinely caring what happens to them.

Here’s my point: life is hard. There are some days when you feel like a million bucks, like you could climb Mount Everest and back. However, you may also have days in life when you feel you’re not even worth a dime. Those days when you want to crawl into your bed, watch YouTube, look at your friends’ Instagram and ask – why am I not like them? Why am I not good enough? It’s one of the worst feelings there is. But on those days, I encourage you to keep this in mind: you are not alone. That I, we, this camp, is here for you, and you are not the only person who has days like that. On bad days, you may need someone to remind you that you are not alone. That you are valued. That the bad day will pass. You have made it through, and you will again.

Our rough times, how we deal with them and push through – that’s what defines us. It shows us that we are warriors. We have defeated the monster again. What I’m trying to communicate is that you  are never alone, and asking for a shoulder to lean on is no big deal.

My challenge to you, Centauri, is to support, motivate and cheer on everyone around you. Say thank you. Tell your bunk mate you value them. But I want to take it one step further and invite you to create physical proof that we all care.  Outside the dining hall, next to the Meece Box, there is a pile of small papers. Write a quote, short story, joke, poem – or draw a picture – with the intention of making someone laugh, smile or feel supported. Leave these papers on the table and I will collect them and turn them into a collage of support. I’ll also be outside tomorrow, during first free time. Come talk to me, and add to the collage. I hope you will be a part of my challenge and show everyone how much we all care. Then, when you leave camp, take this support out into the real world. And that’s it.

Thank you, Centauri.”