We received an update this week on our school-build in the community of Mirik, India. Workers have now completed the toilets, and the window frames have been installed, as well as the glass, and all doors. The protection wall is still in progress. One of the final construction tasks will be leveling the area surrounding the school.  All that remains, then, is the purchase of classroom furniture and school supplies. Thanks to everyone’s efforts with our fundraiser in the Fall, all the necessary money is available for this. We have been assured that the school will be ready for our students to move into at the start of the 2012 academic year (Spring, I believe). We have been using a classroom in a neighbouring elementary school until the Centauri Rosebud Academy was ready to open its doors.

Here are 2 new photos of our school!

For more information go to https://www.centauriartscamp.com/charities/centauri-rosebud-school.htm