Many of you may already be familiar with the movement – a series of wonderfully inspiring talks offered at specialized conferences all over the world, and filmed for millions of people to share.

Well, a few weeks ago, we had the exciting opportunity to participate in a TedX conference! Julie was asked to prepare a talk entitled: ‘How to do Business Like an Artist’, telling the story of how Centauri was established, and what it means to run a business in the arts. The conference was so inspiring and exhilarating, it was like an entire summer at Centauri packed into a few hours! Each talk was 18 minutes long, and they ran throughout the day and evening. Each speaker was an active leader in the arts, technology, education and business. We’re avid followers of Ted, now! To view Julie’s talk, and to learn more about how Centauri was established and what it means to be an artist in business, go to

There were many Centauri connections at the conference. The MC was a camp parent, there were several campers present, one of our campers was a youth speaker, and even the Principal of the host school was an ex-program director of playwriting at Centauri! Which just goes to show what an inspiring community we must be…
