Writing for Film & Television

Writing for Film & Television

Creative Writing, TV & Film

Session 3. Ages 13-18

If you’d like to create visual stories, build exciting characters and write dialogue that leaps off the page, then film and television writing is the thing for you. Learn how to structure a screenplay, and how to shape your ideas for the film medium. You will have a chance to work solo, crafting scenes for a script of your own, as well as opportunities to experience a taste of life in a Writers’ Room as you collaborate to pitch ideas and design the pilot for a TV series. Explore the visual media of film and television and learn how to turn your great ideas into the next big hit.

All our Creative Writing Camps…

Creative Writing: Fact & Fiction

Session 1. Ages 12-18

This program has something for everyone!  Shape stories from your imagination and discover your unique writers’ voice as we explore mystery, science fiction, fantasy, contemporary fiction and more. Discover how real events can inspire […]

Creative Writing: A Fiction Writer’s Salon

Session 2. Ages 12-18
Instructor: Melanie Fishbane

In this lively writing program, you will play with words, exploring comedy, historical fiction, and other genres. Working alone and collaboratively, you will learn about the craft and the creative art of telling […]

Creative Writing: Brave New Worlds

Session 3. Ages 12-18
Instructor: Helen Tran

Try your hand at fantasy, science fiction and more! Discover how to build an imaginary world so compelling your readers will lose themselves in it. Create rounded characters, construct flawless plots and […]

Writing for Film and Television

Session 3. Ages 13-18

If you’d like to create visual stories, build exciting characters and write dialogue that leaps off the page, then film and television writing is the thing for you. Learn how to structure a screenplay, and […]

Creative Writing: Get Inspired!

Session 4. Ages 12-18

Join our community of writers as we seek out gripping stories in the most unlikely places. Each day we’ll take inspiration from something new: art, music, faraway places, the natural world, our memories, dreams, […]

Podcasting: Writing and Recording

Session 4. Ages 13-18
Instructor: Bonnie Warburton

Discover the art of the podcast – from concept to recording. What happens when you strip storytelling down to audio alone? What challenges does this present? What opportunities does it create? We’ll […]