Writing Classes for Teens in Toronto

If you love creative writing – poetry, short fiction, writing novels, screenplays and more – then Centauri is the place for you. For 29 years, we’ve brought together young writers, and talented creative writing teachers to inspire them… and we continue to do so with creative writing classes AND creative writing summer camps, all [...]

constelL.I.T.ions Game

Hello everybody! I was a centauri LIT this summer and for my inspiration challenge, I wanted to inspire the idea of not becoming so focused on something small that the rest is forgotten. People’s perception of an experience is connected to their perception of other experiences, which is why I think this idea is important [...]

Categories: game|

Looking Forward to the Fall! Arts classes, English Tutoring and Wellness programs

Centauri Arts Virtual Camp was a huge success in July – a testament to the adaptability and positivity of all our campers and staff, and proof that community is more than a place. Hopefully by next summer our ‘real’ overnight camp will be back… but we have plenty more going on in the meantime! Starting [...]