Session One Has Begun!!!!!!
We had a wonderful staff training week (despite terrible thunderstorms) and by last night we were all ready and eager for campers!! This morning we woke to grey skies and then just minutes before our first camper walked on site the clouds parted to reveal a brilliant blue sky. As official arrival hour began, the counsellors, in their bright yellow hats, were lined up on the porches, playing guitars and singing their hearts out! So much joy. So much expectation. None of us can wait to see what the summer will bring.

Right now, campers are in program time. In the Odyssey Theatre, our dancers are making posters for the walls and chatting about their dance experience as they get to know one another. In the Orion Studio, the Musical Theatre campers were playing welcome games. Film campers are watching demonstrations, and learning how to get the most from the camp equipment. Under the white gazebo right now, Ian is demonstrating broadsword to twelve eager stage combat campers. There is laughter coming from the clown room. Chatter up in our Art Studio. And while I can’t hear nor see much in the writing studio, I can well imagine pens scratching the first tentative words in brand new notebooks. In the office, we’re chatting and relaxing a little, waiting for a call from our airport staff, who just now met their last flight… from Japan. In the med office, Allison is sorting through her big bin of camper medications. And in the dining hall, the chefs are setting up for the evening BBQ, which will begin in just half an hour.

It’s peaceful here.


Summer is underway!

Centauri Summer Arts Camp