The first day of the summer was greatll!

We have a 30 minute arrival period, but most families arrived within a 10 minute block. Our program staff worked exceptionally hard to clear the line, and everyone was very good-natured about it! Within minutes we were singing the camp song in the dining hall and officially signalling the start to the session. The weather was gorgeous – clear skies and puffy clouds. We held dorm meetings with games and a chance to unpack, then all campers went off to their departments to enjoy their chosen art form for the first time. After that, we had a lovely BBQ, with everyone chatting and making new friends.

The evening was when things really got interesting! Dorm groups were scheduled to complete a challenge that took them all over camp, learning about camp traditions as they met program directors and made new friends. There was a lot of laughter, everyone was having fun… then the sky grew dark and within minutes a massive storm blew in! Everyone was instructed to move inside the nearest building while thunder and lightning raged outside. Staff organised impromptu games to occupy campers until the evening program could resume. I told stories to a group of campers who were scared of thunder, and what could have been disruptive turned into a magical bonding moment for everyone. Ten minutes later the sun came out, the most spectacular rainbow painted itself across the sky, and behind it a glorious Centauri sunset.

Communities are formed of unexpected moments like this, and the evening program was a success for everyone… just not in the way we intended! Hot chocolate and cookies followed.

By nine, camp was quiet. In Brant, the girls sang songs in Cozy Corner. In Brock and Butler, campers gathered together for stories. Everything was calm, gentle and relaxed. And outside the windows, a glorious moon shone.



Centauri Summer Arts Camp