Creating Lawyers who Paint

Last week, a new camp parent called to ask us a few additional questions about Centauri. One of her questions was: do all your campers want to be arts professionals when they leave school? I told her no, this was absolutely not the case. Many of our campers do go on to successful arts careers, [...]

Arts Camps: Why Quieter Kids Need Us – and Why WE Need THEM!

If your son or daughter is an extrovert – loves socializing, thrives in large groups and enjoys loud, busy, action-filled days - then residential arts camp is an obvious choice. But over the years, we’ve learned at Centauri that the quieter, calmer, somewhat introverted campers have just as much to gain from overnight camp. And knowing how many of those kids are the creative, artistic type, we’ve evolved a daily schedule that meets their needs, too.