2013 Summer Arts Camp Registration News

What does a young person gain from a summer at Centauri? This note says it all: "Thank you to all your staff for the great experience you provide at Centauri. We were nervous about sending [our son] to camp... but his confidence is up, his politeness is up, his happiness is up, his work ethic has improved and I know his creative side has again been ignited. The works of art your campers produce are truly amazing. We are already planning to return next year." (The parent of a first time camper)

Our Renaissance Festival was a HIT with the campers! Session 2, 2012

We were transported to Elizabethan England, courtesy of some excellent costumes supplied by our friends at Blackthorn Productions! Each dorm had an identity – for example, B1 was a group of Explorers, led by Sir Francis Drake. At lunch, all groups were presented to the Queen… who then demanded a Pageant to be held in her honour. Each group prepared a portion of the Pageant, and we also had a guest instructor on camp, teaching Renaissance Dance.

Arts Camps: Why Quieter Kids Need Us – and Why WE Need THEM!

If your son or daughter is an extrovert – loves socializing, thrives in large groups and enjoys loud, busy, action-filled days - then residential arts camp is an obvious choice. But over the years, we’ve learned at Centauri that the quieter, calmer, somewhat introverted campers have just as much to gain from overnight camp. And knowing how many of those kids are the creative, artistic type, we’ve evolved a daily schedule that meets their needs, too.

Physical Fitness at Arts Camp!

As an arts camp, one question we are often asked by families is how we ensure campers remain physically active while they are at camp. Certainly if you are moving your child from a traditional camp – where campers are very active - to an arts camp – which fits with their interests more clearly, this may be a question you have.