Once a session, campers have an opportunity to take the same workshop for three days, giving them the chance to dive deeper into an art form, explore a different interest, or work with a new instructor. This session we have mini-sessions in everything from screenwriting to set design and singing to social justice theatre.

In the art room, campers worked in groups to design new characters based on special abilities and characteristics, while next door the writers invented cities and landmarks to populate their imaginary country. Over in screenwriting, campers deconstructed film structure, learning how to use screenplay format to best tell their stories. In singing, campers learned how stretches and alignment can support their singing and learned three-part harmony for a song!

The theatre spaces were in preparation mode: one group designed sets for the dance program’s Peter Pan performance while another created characters to use in an upcoming evening program. Campers were bursting with ideas and excited to make them come to life!

Meanwhile, across camp, campers were learning proper stage combat technique, brainstorming ways to address social justice issues through theatre, practicing their stage make-up skills on a counsellor, and even playing Ultimate Frisbee. And, of course, our LITs were continuing their leadership training by thinking through the needs of different age groups in preparation to meet their shadow dorms. Each workshop was brimming with excitement—it’s going to be a great three days!

Centauri Arts Camp