Tonight had a wonderful feel here at Centauri Arts Camp as we celebrated nature and wildlife! At dinner, all dorms dressed as different creatures – everything from a baboon to a praying mantis – and had to ‘track’ other creatures (including appropriately dressed kitchen staff!) by learning their various calls. Dinner was somewhat relaxed, with low lighting, and nature sounds playing in the background.

Then, after dinner, we moved into Centauri’s own camp wide version of Survival – Samana Jungle! Campers were either Herbivores, Omnivores or Carnivores, and had to track each other, protecting and attempting to steal ‘life sticks’ while also completing nature-themes challenges around camp, in order to earn food tokens. The game was fast paced and energetic – a perfect outdoor activity as the heat of the day gave way to a cool and beautiful evening.

Samana Jungle DayThen, the mood of the evening took another turn when campers assembled at flagpole to find an ice cream station waiting for them! We filled 160 ice cream cones (with a dairy free sorbet option available) then everyone relaxed at the outdoor stage. Craig offered a mini concert to end the evening, with some of the camp’s favourite nature-related sing-along songs: The Unicorn Song, and The Rattlin’ Bog. It was a calm and relaxed way to end a varied and fun-filled evening.