Magical Moments at Centauri Summer Arts Camp – Part 1

Magical Moments at Centauri Summer Arts Camp - Part One... This year, during Staff Training, our focus was on magical moments, and how often, these days, childhood is so closely supervised and involves so many organised activities, the magic of those early years is disappearing, and needs to be cherished and re-ignited. We challenged our [...]

Brazilian Banquet!

Olé, olé, olé, olé!!! Yesterday evening we had the delicious treat of a Brazilian banquet. Campers came into a beautifully decorated dining hall ready to celebrate all aspects of Brazilian culture. During dinner we feasted on traditional food such as yucca chips, Brazilian barbeque and amazing coconut and chocolate candies. While we ate the dancers [...]


This group of campers is particularly spirited! On the first evening, we held a Jurassic Park evening program. All the Program Directors were dressed as dinosaurs, and campers had to move between them, finding out as much as they could about them. - such as their favourite song, favourite movie or dance move. Then, the [...]

It’s “Byng and Bands” Day! Session 2, 2014 at Centauri Arts Camp.

It's the middle of the summer now, and we have a little tradition at Centauri Arts Camp: for one day, half way through the season, regular activities are suspended. We take off to a water park for the afternoon, and conclude the day with a concert! Our special day began with a pyjama breakfast, and [...]


Today, WE DEFEATED SMAUG!!! It's true. The day began in the Odyssey Theatre, where a mystical shadow puppet show told the background story to The Hobbit... then all the dorms went out to create their respective kingdoms in Middle Earth. Dorms were each given different creatures - Elves, Hobbits, Giants, Dwarves, Skin Changers, Giant Animals, [...]