Tips for Young Writers

Are you the parent of a child or teenager who loves to write? Here are some tips to help them keep the words flowing… Read, read and then read some more! Read widely. Fiction and nonfiction. Poetry and prose. The more they read, the more fodder they will have to help them develop a voice [...]

Cultivating a love of reading and literature…at camp and at home.

Recently, a parent calling to enquire about our summer writing camps commented that her younger daughter – not yet old enough for Centauri Arts Camp- was not a reader like her older sister, and that they were struggling to find ways to encourage her to read. Did we have any thoughts we could share, after [...]

Centauri Arts Academy: A Masterclass in Writing Creative Non Fiction. 2nd Jan 2015

Coming Soon at the Centauri Arts Academy: A Masterclass in Writing Creative Non Fiction! Join us at the Centauri Arts Academy in Toronto on Friday 2 January for a one day creative writing workshop! This course runs from 10.30am to 4pm on the last day of the school Winter holidays and the instructor is Glen [...]

Creative Writing Camp: The Art of Fantasy

New Creative Writing Camp for 2015! Discover how to build a fantastical world so compelling a reader will lose themselves in it. Create rounded characters, learn how to make the incredible credible, and develop strategies for constructing flawless plots. In this genre-writing program we will focus specifically on fantasy, though the skills we'll learn apply [...]