Non Stop Adventure here at Centauri Summer Arts Camp!

The past couple of days have been a whirlwind of excitement here at Centauri Arts Camp. Countermeasure - an award-winning acapella group - came down to Centauri to perform. One of the founding members, JM Erlendson, is a Centauri program director - and twenty years ago, that same person was the first camper ever to [...]

Centauri Skies…

For some utterly mysterious reason, Centauri gets the most spectacular sunsets I have ever seen anywhere, ever. And we get them almost every night. Campers call them 'Centauri Skies' and they have been featured in numerous songs, poems and inspirational speeches over the past twenty summers. In fact, at around 9pm every night, everything pauses. [...]

Day 3, Session 3, 2013 at Centauri Arts Camp. The Magic of Centauri…

There is a type of magic that descends on Centauri Arts Camp around the third day of a session. The first two days begin with a mad rush to get acclimated into the camp environment. Our returning campers leap right in, being the first to dash around camp or dress up for the first spirit [...]

Day 12, Session 1, 2013 at Centauri Summer Arts Camp!

Hello Centauri Arts Camp families and friends, It's been an exciting second week here at camp as both campers and staff gear up for final performances. The clowns have been running around grabbing props, actors can be found wandering the quad holding scripts, and it is always lovely to listen to one of the musical [...]