A Sneak Peek at a Few of our 2015 Arts Programs!

A Sneak Peek at a Few of our 2015 Arts Programs! We are now putting the finishing touches to our 2015 website and brochure, ready to launch on 6th November. Registration Day follows soon after, on SUNDAY 16TH NOVEMBER (returning campers) and WEDNESDAY 19TH NOVEMBER (new families)! In the meantime, here is a sample of [...]

Audition Skills Masterclass at the Centauri Arts Academy, Toronto. Ages 11-17, Friday 14 November 2014

Audition Skills Masterclass at the Centauri Arts Academy! Ages 11-17, Friday 14 November 2014, 10.30am to 4pm (TDSB school holiday) If you are considering auditioning for arts programs in high school or university, or if you are a keen actor wanting to learn more about how to ace an audition, join us and discover how [...]

Creative Writing Camp: The Art of Fantasy

New Creative Writing Camp for 2015! Discover how to build a fantastical world so compelling a reader will lose themselves in it. Create rounded characters, learn how to make the incredible credible, and develop strategies for constructing flawless plots. In this genre-writing program we will focus specifically on fantasy, though the skills we'll learn apply [...]

Fine Arts in 2015!

Each summer at Centauri Summer Arts Camp, we offer at least 6 programs specifically designed for our visual artists. Some of those programs remain the same each year simply because they are so popular - classic painting programs, digital photography and a combination of painting, drawing and sculpture, for example. But we also try to [...]

“The People Project”. A new Collaborative Program at Centauri Arts Camp for Summer 2015

We're Offering a New Collaborative Program at Camp Next Summer! "The People Project" will run in session 2, and is an exciting collaboration between our dance, theatre and creative writing departments, at the end of which a full length show will be staged. Campers will explore human interaction, emotion and conflict, using the medium of [...]

A Snapshot of Session Two Programs!

With Session Two now well underway, I took a tour of programs this morning! Our Dancers were choreographing a dance using multicoloured flashlight beams in darkness, which looked spectacular. The Zen of Comedy campers were analysing famous movie clips and discussing how they could use the various styles in their improv work. Mr Hollow's Theatre [...]


THE FIRST TWENTY FOUR HOURS! Programs are all going well. I took a tour around this morning. Our writers were creating pieces based around the concept of 'fear and awe'. In 'Aliens Invade', groups were learning the correct way to set up a professional tripod, and in the film studio next door, campers were learning [...]